Old, young man

This is the story of a young boy who acted like an old man.


Jeremy was born on the 5th of July, we never found out the year. He was a happy child always laughing and breaking things. When Jeremy was 5 he discovered death. He was in a his playgroup.  They were walking to go to the park when they passed a small grave yard, he asked “ what is this place?” his teacher answered “this is where people come to when they die.”

“Die?” he said “what does that mean?”

“We all close our eyes and go to heaven, we don't live any more. No body lives forever.”

He was intrigued by this statement and after 30 min of deep thought he replied to his teacher.

“But what if we go to the hospital, wouldn't the doctors save us then?”

The teacher smiled and looked at the traffic lights waiting for the green man to appear.

Jeremy was not satisfied with this. 


When Jeremy was 10 he watched Frankenstein for the first time. He wasn't supposed to but he couldn't resist putting it on after everyone was out or busy doing other things. When he watched it he knew this was the answer to all his questions.


At age 12 Jeremy died. At age 28 Jeremy was revived, like Frankenstein's monster he was given a new life.


When Jeremy opened his eyes again after 16 years - he knew 5 things :


1.     Love hurts

2.     Life is hard at times

3.     Experience opens your mind

4.     Try things at least once

5.     People die


By the end of his life he would have liked to have no regrets, and he would have liked to learn and travelled as much as possible.


The truth is that Jeremy is 5 years old still looking at his teacher smile while he clings to hope and she ignores it to get to the other side.


Nothing, Nowhere 

I felt happy.

Flowers were finally blooming with colour; their perfume filled the air. Then three little words from a young girl numbed my feeling: 

“life is pain.”

Then happiness steadily started to slide off my face like water off plastic.

Because life is pain. I saw it everyday in eyes losing fight.

“And did you know the earth is flat” the little girl interrupted, “and we are standing on the edge.”

“It is?” I asked 

“Of course, that’s the only thing that makes sense 

or else nothing makes sense.”

I squeezed her hand as we gazed at the stars.